2015 Road Show


The Road Show 2015 – Emerging Issues in Real Estate – LawyerDoneDeal

In an effort to bring new and emerging news to level the playing field across the prairies LawyerDoneDeal as integration partners for RealtiWeb and PCLaw, we have been conducting Lunch and Learns and After Hours Sessions to bring important information to Urban and Rural areas.

When working in the practice of real estate, firms must maintain a high level of security while working with several organizations to bring information to a common file. Whether a purchase, sale or refinance lenders such as banks, credit unions and other financial institutions offer portals secure websites and partner with Lender Portals.  There are emerging strict protocols and attestations required more frequently by the lenders and mortgagees.  In a world where new technology meets with old tech or no tech, select lenders are leading the challenge to bring a new standard to the real estate practice. LawyerDoneDeal have a solution and I am so proud to be there to witness making remarkable changes to benefit lawyers and keeping real estate work in the hands of the legal professional.  This information is too important to the President of LawyerDoneDeal, Maurizio Romanin, and it has been an unforgettable experience these past two weeks conducting sessions across Saskatchewan.

Look for your email invitation as we make our way to Alberta in the next 2-3 weeks.   For more information email us or call.